Peel Business Park: Microgrid with 1.2MWp Solar Farm & 1MW / 2 MWh BESS

The Peel Business Park in Nambeelup is a strategically located industrial estate designed with a focus on agri-innovation and sustainability. This project is our first joint development with Peel Renewable Energy (PRE) and Synergy – a consortium established to build, own and operate the industrial park’s embedded network/microgrid for Development WA.

The initial ground mounted 1.2MWp Solar Farm, 1MW/2.5MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and smart sub-station for the renewable energy microgrid operates “behind the meter” and is scalable as energy demand within the park grows. This Australian first renewable energy industrial microgrid now supplies customers at the Peel Business Park with safe, reliable and renewable power at a meaningful cost saving to regulated electricity tariffs.

Using high efficiency Longi mono-PERC bifacial solar PV panels, a Nextracker single axis tracking system, FIMER skid mounted inverters and transformer and a SAFT BESS, we are providing a renewable solution that can be expanded upon utilizing additional warehouse rooftop mounted solar arrays as the park grows.

The smart substation was energised in August 2020, the solar farm was installed in late 2020 and the BESS was installed in February 2021. The system was commissioned and energised in March 2021. The project was delivered on time and on budget within the constraints and challenges created by the Covid19 pandemic, including impacts to logistics and construction operating protocols.

Zenith Energy acquired PRE and now have two more Microgrid projects in Ocean Reef and Eglington with Sunrise providing project management and technical advisory services for these.

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