Infinite Green Energy (IGE): Arrowsmith Green Hydrogen Plant

Sunrise have been providing consultancy services to IGE since 2017 to help develop their hydrogen processing plant concept. In early 2020, IGE contracted us to complete the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) report for the renewable power supply for stage 1 of their proposed Arrowsmith hydrogen plant.

The plant has been designed to scale up as demand for hydrogen grows making it one of the world’s largest renewable hydrogen production facilities. In collaboration with Avora Energy and Jarrah Solutions we designed a 65MW solar farm, a 90MW wind farm and smart sub-station for the plant. We also provided modelling and analysis as to whether a battery energy storage system (BESS) could add value to the project. Included in this modelling was analysis of the economic value of market participation in regard to selling and buying energy at WEM balancing rates.

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