Sunrise provides energy under a build, own, operate model to Image Resources in a PPA for the offtake from the solar farm. The asset owner is Climate Capital. The “behind the meter” system was commissioned in September 2020 and consists of Longi solar panels, a Nextracker single axis tracking system to ensure optimal performance and an SMA inverter/transformer.
The 3 MW solar farm is constructed in 3 arrays each of around ~1 MW, all connected to a single 2.5 MVA SMA inverter/transformer. The powerline connecting the solar farm to the connection point container is around 1.9 km and must traverse 2 gas pipelines and abide by environmental constraints (avoiding TEC vegetation) as well as going under the main mine access road.
The project was delivered on time and on budget within the constraints and challenges created by the Covid19 pandemic, including impacts to logistics and construction operating protocols.