Wildwood Estate: 230kW Solar PV, 250kW/600kWh BESS & 176kVA Generators
Wildwood Estate is the holiday estate for a wealthy mining family, south east of Yallingup in Western Australia. Sunrise identified an off-grid stand-alone power system (SPS) solution as an opportunity to avoid the high costs associated with the required network connection upgrade.
Through consultation and analysis of the energy options available, Sunrise designed, supplied and installed a “small commercial solution”. The solution comprises of a 600kWh AlphaESS battery with a 250KW Sinexcel battery inverter, a 230kW solar PV array with 4x50kW GoodWe solar inverters and two 176kVA backup diesel generators.
The system was commissioned in September 2020 and has been running well since. The solar and battery can accommodate the maximum daily consumption without the use of diesel during reasonable weather conditions. In the first year of operation the system has provided more than 85% renewable content to the owners saving them electricity costs and creating a positive environmental impact.
Real time monitoring and control of the system is achieved through the energy management system (EMS). The below image shows an example of the EMS dashboard showing the generation and consumption data as well as the state of charge of the BESS.